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Hyseq Pharmaceuticals Inc.

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Amazon Versus Biotech: How The IPO Class Of '97 Worked Out

Life sciences investors pumped around $15 billion into 175 biotech, medtech and diagnostics firms that went public during the 2014–16 IPO window. To understand what may be in store for those firms and their backers, In Vivo reexamines the fate of a previous generation of companies, the IPO Class of 1997.

Financing Growth

CAT Merges for Money; Chooses Well-Dowered OGS

The merger of Cambridge Antibody Technology and Oxford GlycoSciences won't, in the short term, solve many of the problems that both share--namely, a lack of products, scant clinical development capabilities and a non-existent sales and marketing infrastructure. It does, however, create a financially stronger potential acquiror in a European biotech industry in need of consolidation.

BioPharmaceutical Europe

Biotechs on the Brink Choose Last-Minute Deals, Not Liquidation

Many biotechs, facing crisis situations in the fall of 2002, opted for deals that kept them alive but hardly offered much hope for upside. But in the coming months, boards may need to be far more realistic about their long-term prospects and consider a full range of options, including liquidation, when assessing a company's future.

BioPharmaceutical Business Strategies

Step-Ups: Three Types of Deals Emerge for Public Biotechs

It's clearly a buyer's market in the public biotech sector. On the shopping list: products, chemistry, and cash.

BioPharmaceutical Business Strategies
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  • Industry
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceuticals
